How to add the ANDX Binance Chain token to the wallet?
Do these basic strides before you Swap the token from your wallet.

Step by step instructions to add Binance Chain token to Metamals and TrustWallet (
Uplifting news!
ANDX token is presently likewise given on Binance Smart Chain and clients can without much of a stretch trade their ANDX in ERC20 organization to BEP20 organization. This drive was taken to handle the high gas charge and on seeing new open doors in Binance Network.
Be that as it may, BUT … … ..
Before the Swap starts, you should add the token to your MetaMask/Trust wallet to approve the savvy contract. This article will walk you through straightforward strides to add the ANDX token to your wallet.
Note : Please utilize a similar location wallet through which the token was bought or wallet holding the ANDX finances now.