3 min readJul 8, 2022

These are some of the things I believe you need to understand about Solcial Network, so you can have the best experience like never before.
- Filming someone in a vulnerable position with the goal of humiliating or degrading them.
Intentionally altering the content of another’s website in order to harm that person’s reputation
Intimidation-inducing content, such as those found in trolling or cyberstalking
Harassment-inspiring content
Negative content that trivializes those who have been affected by horrific events
That which expresses a hope for the death, severe injury, or sickness of a prominent person. - Unsolicited sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sex favors, or any unwelcome sexual behaviour that makes someone feel insulted, embarrassed, or frightened in the context of the situation are all examples of sexual harassment. Because sexual harassment may cause considerable harm to those targeted, we do not accept material that sexually harasses others.
- Solcial is profoundly committed in ensuring the safety of our minors. Here are the policies that encompass our child safety rules: *Forceful sexual contact without permission is classified as a kind of sexual assault. It is also characterized as a form of sexual assault when the victim is unable to agree due to age, disability, or a position of trust.
*Rape and molestation are two terms that describe the same thing: sexual assault.
The term "molestation" encompasses a wide range of behaviors, including kissing, fondling, caressing, pinching, and even stripping children without their permission. It is possible for sexual assault to be subtle, and not necessarily to show signs of force or violence.
As a result, any portrayal of minor sexual assault, or admission or involvement in the sexual assault of kids, will be covered by this policy. - Spam is any action that aims to artificially increase the platform’s popularity. Attempts to mislead users in order to gain viewing will not be tolerated by our editorial staff. There is a risk that this may affect other users who are working hard to improve their stat.
- We do not accept accounts that pretend to be another person or organization by utilizing a name with misspellings or typos in order to deceive users.
- Any non-state actors who use premeditated violence or threats of violence to cause harm to non-combatant individuals in order to intimidate or threaten the population, government, or international organization in the course of political or ethnic, religious, or ideological objectives are referred to as terrorists and terrorist organizations respectively.
- In the context of pornography, graphic depictions or demonstrations of sexual organs or activity are meant to elicit erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional responses.
- Deception that aims to fool others in order to achieve an illegal financial advantage falls under the category of frauds and scams.
- The deliberate act of one’s own death is known as suicide.
Self-harm is the deliberate, non-suicidal act of injuring oneself, such as cutting oneself with a sharp item.
People’s safety and mental health are of the utmost importance to us at Solcial, and we forbid anybody who glorifies or encourages suicide. - Using Solcial is not a place to promote violence since we want to honor our users' ingenuity. Unnecessarily graphic or gory material is not permitted on our site.
- As a form of punishment or retribution, as a way of obtaining a confession or other information, or in order to satisfy the torturer’s desire, torturing someone is a kind of torture.
- The representation or attempts to depict persons, makers, or merchants that advocate, trade, or sell guns, firearms accessories, or explosive weapons are prohibited by our policy. We only accept information that serves to educate people about the dangers of illicit commerce.